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What Are you Playing Now & General Game Discussions
So I am done with Starfield. Stopped around level 50. Haven't played it in a couple weeks. See below as to why.
STARFIELD SPOILERS BELOW: Seriously - don't read if you haven't gotten to the ending.
There essentially is no story in this game. The "story" is tied into the NG+. That's it. No taking over the galaxy, no saving the universe from a bad guy or bad faction. No picking a faction and destroying the others. No....the whole purpose of the story is again. At first I thought this was clever and I had never heard of it before, then as I realized the implications that nothing you did mattered and this was just some ploy for Beth to force replays, I started feeling disillusioned and now disgusted. It's like they stood back one day and said "Well no one likes our stories these days anyway and bad mouths them, so why even try? Let's tie the story into the NG+! Brilliant!" One of the key reasons why I find this so insulting as a gamer is that Beth games have tremendous replay value and always have. Why? Because they are so full of content. Things to do. Cool places to explore. Different ways to play, so people keep going back. Tying the main story into replayability is a complete co-op. It's like saying that the game isn't good enough to induce replay, so let's do --> THIS.

The redundancy of the game is crushing. I feared this before release and my fears were realized. After doing a mission where I went to the exact same base (on different worlds) with the exact same design with the mobs in the exact same places doing the exact same things, I couldn't face one any more. And note that this was just one type of mission. There are of course perhaps 10-12 (I am being generous) or so "hand crafted" missions that you get from radiant quests, that get repeated over and over, but yeah it is THAT limited. Each faction has about 10 unique quests to complete their tree, and there are other random unique quests out there, but they take complete luck to find (Example - mission associated with an early ARC ship from Earth orbiting the Paradise planet - cool concept of a quest with a dumb ass solution).

I enjoyed ship combat to a point after I invested a dozen perks in ship related things, but like everything else that got redundant and boring.

Outposts? Who cares? They had a near perfect "Settlement" mechanic in FO4 and Fk'd it up for Starfield. Not being able to connect resources between outposts is an unnecessary crutch which mans having to cart RSS around from pace to place HOPING you bring what you need and enough of it. Saw a guy online responding to someone on reddit who said thy were worthless because they were his cash resource - WTF? Cash from outposts? Why? Just sell shyt you loot. Other than buying RSS and upgrading your ship, cash has no purpose in this game. Outposts - Pointless.

i could go on and on, but i've already wasted enough time on a game I have no intention of "Finishing", not that it's ever finished.

Lastly, I was reading a recent PC Gamer article where 3 of the editors got together and ranked all of Bethesda's games. They ranked Starfield WORST behind FO76. For many of the reasons I've said. Empty. Pointless. No soul. Below is the closing line from the 3rd editors comments on Starfield
Quote:It's almost sad to say, but the suspension of disbelief required to really invest in Bethesda games of yore is a muscle that the best modern RPGs don't require me to flex. Starfield just feels antiquated and, sadly, a bit dull. It felt more like a bloated shooter than an expansive, decision-oriented RPG.

Much respect for these guys. Their ranking is spot on and one of them comments that FO3 is good, but FONV is a masterpiece, but isn't on the list because it isn't a Bethesda game. Wow - slam after slam.

Anyway, if you like Starfield, good for you, but I'm thankful for Gamepass because otherwise I would be hating the money I spent on it.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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RE: What Are you Playing Now & General Game Discussions - Stewy - 10-24-2023, 09:26 PM

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