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What Are you Playing Now & General Game Discussions
(08-18-2023, 12:37 PM)Stewy Wrote: So this is what Starfield is up against.  Three games with excellent reviews, loved by fans and (nearly) flawless releases.  And we have a bethesda game which we know will have release issues, bugs, broken content, and empty lifeless regions because that's what Bethesda games are at release.  If Starfield is a normal Bethesda release, it has no chance at GotY as Fallout76 has ruined any benefit of the doubt the critics used to give Bethesda.  Your blind fanboys may think differently, but they aren't the ones doing the reviews.  With that said, I also have no doubt that Bethesda will fix whatever is broke in Starfield, and it will eventually be a great game, but it won't be GotY or RPGotY.  the competition is just too good.  i give it a less than 5% chance at GotY at this point.

early returns im hearing from starfield is it is exceeding expectations.  So take that as you will...  

BG3 is defiantly gonna win over the PC crowd.. Not sure about the PS crowd who had called DoS2  Top down garbage   lol... But its getting hyped cause its releasing there first.

Starfield unlike previous bethesda titles was allowed to sit and get polished for an extra year.    Will it have bug sure.. But your lying if you say BG3 is flawless..  it just had patch to fix over 400 bugs  and then had to role it back and redo it again lol..

76 was a multiplayer title and not in the same level of Bethesda;s normal RPGs.

Right now i expect BG3 to win GOTY   But that can change in 2 weeks.

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RE: What Are you Playing Now & General Game Discussions - XenoMorph - 08-18-2023, 01:07 PM

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