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What Are you Playing Now & General Game Discussions
(05-17-2022, 10:47 AM)TheLeonardLeap Wrote: If their recently trends are anything to go by, they'll buy another company. Lol

Yeah, had that realization myself awhile back. Was like "I haven't heard any updates on STALKER 2 in awhi-- oh. Right."

Got burned out not too long after finishing The Capital. Felt like the areas to the East were a whole lot more linear/pathed and the snow areas were a whole lot of reusing of previous enemies just made more annoying/dangerous/spongy to remove a lot of the progress I felt I had made in getting better and stronger.

Probably didn't help that I was wandering around all the earlier areas very thoroughly so I had put a ton of time into the game at that point and was just needing to play a different game. Haven't gone back to it since.

towards the end if you have explored everything it does kinda bottle neck you to the end game...   Although there is a secert portion of the snow area to get to.. Which leads to one of the hardest places in the game imo.    

nothing wrong with taking breaks now i am waiting to see if any dlc is announced before going to NG+...    i did collected every item/weapon/armor i could get playthru 1...   playthru 2 will probly take 10-20 hours at most as i will just have to follow some quest lines and pick up a few items i want 2 of or missed the first time.

captial is the last major stop before the end game areas. so if you have chunks of the map you have not done.. its a good time. (like volcano manor. Or the underground areas)

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RE: What Are you Playing Now & General Game Discussions - XenoMorph - 05-19-2022, 08:26 AM

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