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What Are you Playing Now & General Game Discussions
(12-25-2021, 05:42 PM)Vas Deferens Wrote: Just picked up a switch after playing one a friends and realizing it’s more my speed than the PS4 I rarely boot up. Any essential accessories or anything I need to look at in addition? Still don’t fully understand how the controller(s?) work. Would just like to play a few games with buddies online, get the old lady to enjoy some casual 2p stuff occasionally and be able to play it on the couch when she’s watching her trash.

Anything you think I should just get right away or game recommendations? Thanks all and merry Xmas.

Invest in a Pro controller. They’re much like the Xbox controller in feel and function. The joycon controllers are notorious for getting “drift” which will drive you nuts!

Game-wise, you can never go wrong with Zelda Breath of the Wild, it is a must have. The new Metroid was a lot of fun. The newest Monster Hunter is a good multiplayer title to play solo or with friends. The newest Mario was a lot of fun, can couch co-op up to 4 players for that or play online with friends who also have it. Either of the Ori games are fantastic single player experiences. Diablo 2 remake is available, as is Diablo 3 complete. If you are into basketball games, the 2K franchise is available but I’m not sure how crisply it plays. First person shooters I tend to steer clear of but Borderlands Handsome Collection is available and actually plays well single player or online.

Sadly there is no voice chat for most games so you (and any friends) may need to download an app on your phone called Discord and use that for party chats. Its easy to set up, Im sure you’ll figure it out.

Anyways Happy Holidays and grats on your Switch! Hope my post helps!

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What Are you Playing Now & General Game Discussions - The D.O.Z. - 12-25-2021, 11:02 PM

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